The Religious Society Of Friends had its beginnings in England, founded in 1647 by George Fox. The emphasis by George Fox on the “Light of Christ” existing in each person led to his followers being called “Children of Light”. The name “Quakers” was first used in 1650. The name “Friends” was first used in 1652.

Friends believe in a personal faith in Jesus. We believe that Jesus is present in our service to love, heal, inspire and guide. Silence is an important element in Quaker worship. During the hour of worship, Friends set aside a time to wait upon the Lord in stillness, allowing us to communicate with Jesus, the Inner Light, without an activity or noise. Any who fell led by the Lord to speak during this period are encouraged to do so.

Friends believe that any meal can be a holy communion and the baptism by the Holy Spirit is real. We therefore believe that outward signs or sacraments are not needed.

Welcome to Gray Friends Church!
David Webster, Pastor